First, you have to know that is no cure for Attention Deficit Disorder. However, that is an effective treatment can reduce almost 90% of ADD symptoms. So the symptoms will not disturb you again.
The Tole Brain Powder |
The Tole Neuro Brain Powder is very effective for regenerating the brain’s cells (neurons) to get connected to each other. When the brain cells is connected to each other, the symptoms of eyes contacts, communication and emotional can be improved. The brain powder can be mixed into liquid, take it 2 or 3 times a day.
The Tole Neuro Brain Powder is created using a special Chinese herbal formula. The formula had shows the best of improvement in the past 100 years. People all around the world order it online every day.
The Tole Neuro Acupuncture |
The Tole Neuro Acupuncture is using fine needles to puncture the scalp. The Tole Neuro Acupuncture is a special acupuncture technique that provided by Chinese Master for his Attention Deficit Disorder patients. The Tole Neuro Acupuncture had been practiced by Chinese Master when he is young and now he got a very good experience using neuro acupuncture to treat neuro disease.
The Tole Neuro Acupuncture is a no pain and no bad side effect treatment. The Tole Neuro Acupuncture technique will not hurt your brain because it can get into your skull. The fine needle only will point into the skin of the scalp and can’t get into the bones or skull. Fine needle puncture at the acupuncture point, then Qi will be force to flow inside your body.
The Tole Neuro Acupuncture can help to improve concentration, calm down the immune system and help you to sleep well. For patient who has started western medicine or treatment, you can also have a Chinese Medicine Treatment too. Chinese Medicine and Neuro acupuncture treatment can help to reduce or treat the bad side effect that causes by western medicine.
The Tole Diet Treatment for ADD |
Chinese Master believes herbal and acupuncture treatment combines with diet treatment will have a better result. Due to The Tole Research, diet treatment did help ADD patient to reduce the symptoms. Chinese Master gave the diet list to the patient during the treatment and helps them to manage their diet. ADD Diet Treatment research had been done on a lot of ADD patients, is had shows the efficiency when diet treatment start with herbal and acupuncture treatment at the same time.
The Tole Game Treatment for ADD kids Malaysia |
The Tole Game Treatment is specially design for Attention Deficit Disorder Kids in Malaysia. The Tole research shows, game treatment can help to train the brain to be concentrate, learn manage task and release tension. Video game, card game and puzzle is the good choices to train the brain to be concentrate and manage task. Outdoors games like football, basketball, running, hiking can help to release tension.
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